Thursday, August 6, 2009

Enough Already

On Tuesday night the world lost a lot of people. Everyday people die. The moment we exit the womb and take our first gulp of air we take a step towards death. Death and taxes are things that we cannot avoid. Death comes for us in a myriad of ways, sometimes death carries a face. Sometimes nature takes us, death is born out of our mortality. Sometimes death is the result of carelessness, a mistake can turn lethal, and in such cases the one that made the mistake dies a little too. Although they still breathe, and walk, a part of them is dead. At times death comes in the form of hatred, rage, or the derangement of a broken brain and conscious. On Tuesday 3 people: Heidi Overmier, Elizabeth "Betsy" Gannon, Jody Billingsley had their light snuffed out by a creature that doesn't even have the basic qualities of being called human. I refuse to mention this subcreatures name, or depict his image. He is best to be forgotten. Sadly what happened on Tuesday night is an occurrence that happens quite frequently.

What happened though is nothing new, the thing that slithered into the gym and opened fire and then cowardly turned the gun on itself has done what has been done many times before. Herod the Great was a terrible awful man, who is only known in history as the murderer of babies. He ruled over Palestine at the time Christ was born. As he laid on his death bed he ordered the death of many of his subjects for the purpose of ensuring that there would be mourning at the time of his death.

The thing that walked into that gym on Tuesday had the intention of killing himself. The loathsome thing had become depressed from years of female rejection, it was a loner, and a loser who had no worth to the world because it chose to have no worth in the civilized world. It could have just ended its life, it could have taken a table for one and eaten that bullet alone. Instead it wanted to make people hurt, it wanted to take others down with him. It targeted women as though they were the root of its problems. It's mind was broken looking for some kind of acknowledgement in its death. Fine it was the last pathetic attempt of a deranged mind at gaining attention.

Suicide is the product of a selfish and cowardly soul. I can see in the act of taking ones life how it might be poetic. But what happened on Tuesday night is something else. What happened there should not have happened. These types of attacks are growing due to various factors. This is not an issue of gun control, it is not an issue of putting metal detectors in every entry way. It is not about making sure everyone is packing heat. It is an issue of instant celebrity status. When these acts occur news producers begin to salivate.

News station flood our TVs with what occurred. They focus on the person that did the killing. The killer gains instant notoriety. Those that perished are forgotten by the news. It's as though the producers have a fixation with killers. The producers feel some kind of need to give the killer some airtime for giving them a story that they can sink their teeth into and bludgeon the public with for the next week.

They fall into the trap of the killer. Some credit should be given than to the killer...they know how to manipulate the media. In the case of the latest shooting the thing that did what it did seemed like an average guy. Had some obvious social retardation that attributed to his decline, but he wasn't "too creepy". So the media falls in love with another killer, and forgets the stories of those that perished.

This last April was the 10th anniversary of the Columbine shootings. The two things that perpetrated that carnage had attempted to set off bombs but they were too inept to make functioned bombs. According to those that have studied the shooting say that if the bombs had gone off as planned than many more would have died. One idiotic pundit was balls dumb to say that if those bombs would have worked that they would have the had credit for the most deaths in a suicide shooting, but instead that credit goes to "blah" the thing that shot up Virginia Tech. How stupid is that guy. Now it's a contest to see who can kill more people before pussing out and turning the gun on its self? What have we come to?

Justice would be to never mention the name of the killer, to never show its image. They are best to be forgotten. Sure they were people, they suffered from some kind of mental dysfunction, but who doesn't? If we are honest with ourselves we all suffer at some point and in some way from mental breakdown or emotion retardation, but we overcome it or find help. Those that convert to being subhuman and belonging to a subspecies that's not worth living and believes they need to take somebody else down with them in the hopes that they will some how be acknowledged should be tossed by the wayside and forgotten all together.

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