Friday, August 7, 2009

Winter Warmth

Your name is the color green
bursting from the white blanket snow
eyes large and alluring
the moon that controls me like the tide
a heart burning, the Yule log fire
a beacon in the cold winter Earth
fork tongued fools speak falsehoods
to your eternal beautiful essence
there lips are sealed, they stayed
silent they are like a night of snow
your synonyms they do not know
wife, mother, sister, teacher, friend
healer, counselor, nurse, educator
daughter, princess, heiress to the universe
no poem, no matter the length, the
breadth, the width, the depth of it
especially on by the weak penned poet
could contain, capture the you that is you
to know you is to live, see, breathe,
touch, smell, love you
and only then can one know only
a fraction, a part of you. like
the snow one cannot separate every
flake, but simply stand in awe of the whole.

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